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Cory's Movie Actor Depth Of Character List For Movie Awesome

07/29/96 Star Donald Sutherland and Matthew McConaughey stars in the new drama "A time to Kill"
Star Donald Sutherland and Matthew McConaughey stars in the new drama "A time to Kill" (Photo: Getty Images)

DALLAS (105.3 THE FAN) -- Since we often do a segment called Masterpiece Theater where Kevin, Colby, DJ and I talk about the latest movies, the best movies, the worst movies and sometimes TV shows, I figured I should give you my Movie Actor Depth of Character List for Movie Awesome.

Some believe that a movie has to have boobs.

Some think it must have action.

These are people like Colby who think boobs and blow-em-up is the only way to go with any movie he will watch, which is why he's never seen Forrest Gump.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to see a manly action flick from time to time -- if not more often than not.

I'm not saying you should have to see award winners all the time, but I am suggesting to see something with depth.

Kevin and I often disagree on what makes a good actor. Like the other day, we debated the merits of Matthew McConaughey, who has been in a number of good movies, but has a bad rap because he kinda plays the same character all the time.

Thus we begin with the Actor Depth of Character List for Movie Awesome.

Basically we give out recommendations based on how many emotions an actor shows in a movie. So I'll list one actor's movies and the qualities within.

Matthew McConaughey

  • Dazed and Confused – Stoned
  • Angels in The Outfield – Happy, Baseball
  • A Time To Kill – Anger, Cool, Sad, Happy, Smart, Sexytime (almost with Sandra Bullock and Ashley Judd), Loyal, Thinker, Drinky
  • EdTV – Drinky, Maybe Stoned, Happy, Sad, Thinker, Love, Sexytime (almost with Jenna Elfman and Elizabeth Hurley)
  • The Wedding Planner – Seriously who saw this
  • Frailty – Scared, Digging, Dumb
  • How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days – Okay I saw it Pimp, Classy, Love, Sexytime (almost with Kate Hudson) Cool, Dumb
  • Two For The Money – Pimp, Smart, Sports, Money (Sure those aren't emotions but still)
  • Failure To Launch – Pimp, Drunk, Smart, Paintball, Funny, Anger (he dropped an F-Bomb) Patient (He had to see Terry Bradshaw naked) Loyal (he took care of that kid)
  • We Are Marshall – Coach
  • Tropic Thunder – Evil, Conniving,
  • Ghosts of Girlfriends Past – See Two For The Money with Drunk
  • Lincoln Lawyer – Haven t Seen it
  • Magic Mike – C'mon man
  • Dallas Buyers Club – Hearing he is going to win an Academy Award for this one so just mix all of these characters into one

So clearly, it's simple. The better movies have more depth of character. A Time To Kill was his best. In the future we will judge more actors and movies based on this sliding scale of character depth.

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