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Company Offers 'Food For The Soul' Free Warehouse Space

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DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) - Hundreds of North Texas children, at risk of going hungry, will continue receiving food from a local charity that nearly shut down last week.

Food for the Soul partners with local schools to send low income students home every Friday with a supply of meals for the weekend.

Kimberly Sawler, who runs the organization, says it's all that keeps some children from going hungry between their school provided lunch on Friday and breakfast on Monday.

"We can't even put our head around it. We skip lunch; we're starving. We miss dinner; wow! Think about 65 hours," she said.

When the charity lost its warehouse space last week, it had to cancel a shipment of food it was set to receive.

Last Friday, it delivered everything it had left.

"We're out of food. I mean we're out," said Sawler.

After their story aired on CBS11, news reached a sales rep at MainFreight.

She wrote an e-mail titled "Long Shot" to Flower Mound branch manager Nathan Chaney.

"Pretty immediately I started thinking, 'Yea, I have space and this is a worthy cause.' "

"We were shocked. We had just loaded up our truck," said Sawler.

An hour later, she was meeting with Chaney at the MainFreight's warehouse. The company offered the nonprofit 3,000 square feet of space free of charge through the end of May.

Sawler hopes to raise funds by then to make it her organization's permanent home.

"It's a miracle. It truly is," she said.

The nonprofit is seeking volunteers to help pack meals at the warehouse on 501 Gerault Road, Flower Mound, this Saturday from 1 p.m.- 5 p.m. For more information click here.

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