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Bridesmaid-Eating Elephant, Placehacking, Brave Cancer Dance

Brave Cancer Dance

A video of kids fighting cancer has gone viral. Two Minnesota nurses wanted to inspire and honor their patients -- and hopefully take the sadness out of the disease. They put their efforts into a fun video to give the kids hope and encouragement to continue to brave. Seventy staff members participated in the video -- staying late or coming in on their days off to dance and shoot the video -- set to the song "Brave" by Sara Bareilles.


The newest twist on planking appears to be much more dangerous. It's called placehacking -- and the idea is to visit places you are not supposed to -- and take a picture. Placehackers pose on top of skycrapers and bridges, sneak into military bases and storm drains to give others a look at the "hidden world." Bradley Garrett has written a book about placehacking -- he says they don't take anything but photographs and only leave footprints behind.

Bridesmaid-Eating Elephant

Finally, a bridesmaid gets a little too close to a special wedding guest and almost becomes lunch in the process. The YouTube video from the Thailand wedding shows the elephant reach his trunk around the bridesmaid's neck and pull her toward his mouth. She was able to quickly get away. The photographer says she wasn't hurt... just got a lungful of elephant breath.

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