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'Baby' Most-Watched Video On YouTube

Justin Bieber - Baby (Official Music Video) ft. Ludacris by JustinBieberVEVO on YouTube

Justin Bieber's music video for "Baby'' is the most-watched video ever on YouTube. The 16-year-old pop star's video passed Lady Gaga's "Bad Romance'' video to take the all-time lead. More than 246 million have watched Bieber's video on the Google Inc.-owned website.

Bieber tweeted a thank you to "Beliebers'' and said the video's success was "crazy.'' The singer wrote: "I started on youtube so ... WOW!''

Bieber's video and Lady Gaga's switched positions briefly Friday, but as of late afternoon, Bieber was ahead by more than 600,000 views.

The most-watched clip on YouTube that isn't a music video is the popular "Charlie bit my finger'' viral video, which more than 210 million have watched.

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