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Arlington GM plant workers say "it's about time" they joined the UAW strike

Arlington GM plant workers join UAW strike
Arlington GM plant workers join UAW strike 02:27

ARLINGTON (  After General Motors announced a quarterly profit of over $3 billion Tuesday, Arlington GM workers joined the United Auto Workers strike.

"We was working and next thing you know we heard a whistle," GM employee Marlon Gladney said. "It's time to walk."     

UAW President Shawn Fain expanded the strike to include the North Texas plant, which makes GM's full-size SUVs and is considered the company's largest and most profitable plant. 

Region 8 Director Tim Smith said employees are asking for a contract that reflects that. "When you build the premium SUV in the United States and see the profit margin on those vehicles, they deserve to have better wages and benefits and a variety of other things."

Arlington Mayor Jim Ross said when it comes to local economic impact, this will affect everybody.

"When people are employed and they're making money, they're spending money," Mayor Ross said. "If they're not making the money, they're not spending money and that's going to impact our sales tax here."

He also said he's had discussions with both GM and the UAW. "We want this plant to keep operating. We also want everybody to be taken care of as well. So, hopefully they're going to come to a resolution."

In the meantime, Arlington GM workers told CBS News Texas they're prepared to strike for as long as it takes.

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