Truce May Be In Works In San Francisco's Scooter Wars
SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) -- Every one seems to have an opinion when it comes rental scooters in San Francisco.
"I think that these scooters run amok are actually a plot of the young people to kill off all us old farts so they can have our rent controlled apartments," said Fran Taylor at a recent The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency hearing.
San Francisco Supervisor Aaron Peskin said he's getting an ear full from his constituents
"I have also - and I'm sure you have - received hundreds of complaints, photos, videos, telephone calls, and emails from angry constituents," he told his fellow supervisors.
But not everyone wants more regulation.
Sam Mollica said enforce the laws already on the books, particularly when it comes to scooters illegally being ridden on sidewalks, and not add news ones.
"Just as we shouldn't have bicycles, tents, needles or human waste on our sidewalks all of which I encountered on my way here," he said.
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency is currently setting up a permitting process for the companies.
"The permitting that the SFMTA is working on will require the company to make sure that their users abide by the same safety laws," said SFMTA Chairwoman Cheryl Brinkman. "The helmets, the not riding on the sidewalks, the not leaving scooters where they'll block pedestrian right of ways."
When she was asked if she thought scooter rental companies LimeBike, Spin and Bird would comply, Brinkman said: "That's up to the companies to figure out. And I'm not sure how they're gonna do it but they need to be able to do it in order to operate in the city of San Francisco."