Top Outdoor Gear Stores In Philadelphia
Known for its many acres of parks, open spaces, rolling hills, hiking and biking trails and waterways, Philadelphia and its surrounding suburbs are an outdoor enthusiast's paradise. The nearby Pocono Mountains are easily accessible and the Atlantic Ocean is but a leisurely car drive away, providing Philly residents with endless options for outdoor fun. With weather for fans of every season, residents and visitors to the City of Brotherly Love can enjoy just about every outdoor sport there is, from skiing and snowboarding to running, cycling, hiking, fishing and boating. Whatever your outdoor play preference, these Philly area shops can help you find the right equipment and gear.
Breakaway Bikes
1923 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
(215) 568-6002
Avid cyclists in the City of Brotherly Love recognize Breakaway Bikes as a go-to place for finding the right bike to fit each individual's body, needs, riding style and budget. Conveniently located in Philadelphia's Center City, Breakaway Bikes helps cyclists keep their bikes in good working order, with repair and other service times averaging three days or less. In addition to selling bikes, Breakaway Bikes provides coaching services, performance training, biometric testing and RPM indoor cycling sessions at the Breakaway Training Center, conveniently located on the shop's second floor. The training center was developed by shop owner and head coach Joe Wentzell, who began working on his bio-mechanic efficiency model for cyclists at Temple University, where he studied exercise science and coached Division 1 athletic program strength and conditioning.
Brinkman's Bait & Tackle
4999 Linden Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19114
(215) 632-0674
Brinkman's Bait & Tackle has faithfully served Philadelphia-area fishing fanatics from its Linden Avenue location since 1961. Specializing in both saltwater and freshwater bait and tackle, Brinkman's has what you're fishing for, from fly fishing to ice fishing and everything in between. Located a stone's throw from the Delaware River, the shop provides one-stop shopping for gear, Pa. fishing and hunting licenses and bait -- from night-crawlers, mealworms and minnows to frozen trolling squid and pro-cut clam strips. Brinkman's team is available to help guests with any questions about where to fish, which bait to use and what you'll find along the Delaware, Schuylkill and Susquehanna rivers as well as the local creeks and lakes.
Buckman's Ski and Snowboard Shop
740 DeKalb Pike
King of Prussia, PA 19406
(610) 265-3330
Buckman's Ski and Snowboard Shop has been family owned and operated for the past 40 years and offers multiple locations in the Philadelphia area. The shop is ready meet your every need when it comes to sporting equipment, gear and clothing for fun in the snow. One of the first ski shops in the country to carry snowboarding gear, Buckman's is the place to go for whatever you need, whether cutting-edge or tried-and-true. In addition to equipment and outdoor gear, Buckman's provides a state-of-the-art workshop for repairing and maintaining your equipment. The shop also provides daily, weekly and seasonal equipment rental, discount lift tickets, custom boot fitting and a series of outdoor adventure trips.
Eastern Mountain Sports
3401 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(215) 382-0930
Eastern Mountain Sports provides outdoor sports enthusiasts with the gear and equipment they need for hiking, backpacking, camping, rock climbing, running, cycling, kayaking, skiing and snowboarding. In addition to equipment, outerwear and gear, Eastern Mountain Sports, which has served the Eastern Seaboard since 1967, provides customers with training and access to outdoor adventure experiences such as climbing, skiing and kayaking lessons. An advocate for open and accessible places to enjoy outdoor sports, Eastern Mountain Sports supports the Access Fund and the Conservation Alliance.
Related: Top Hiking Trails In Philadelphia
North Wales Running Company
111 N. Main St.
North Wales, PA 19454
(215) 699-4282
North Wales Running Company in North Wales and its sister store, All Kinds of Fast, in Phoenixville connect Philly-area runners with equipment and training events. The shops house running and walking shoes as well as apparel and training gear, including running strollers, GPS watches, compression gear, energy bars and gift cards for the running enthusiast in your life. With a wide assortment of brands, styles and sizes, the staff is equipped and trained to properly fit you for the right pair of shoes for your running needs. Both stores offer weekly group runs that are divided into groups appropriate for all paces and ages, with leaders assigned to each group. Check the store most convenient to you for times, and if it is your first run with the group, it is advised to arrive early so you can be placed with the appropriate pace group.
Christy Ayala covers sports, recreation, the outdoors, and leisure activities in the Philadelphia area. She earned a masters degree in recreation administration from George Williams College and managed programs in the Midwest, Hawaii, and Pennsylvania. Her work can be found on