Time Magazine Releases Shortlist For 2018 Person Of The Year Award, Flyers' Gritty Not On The List
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PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Time Magazine has released its list of finalist for its 2018 person of the year. Since 1927, Time has identified a person or group of people who most influenced the news and the world.
The shortlist announced on Monday includes:
- More than 2,000 families separated at the United States-Mexico border under a Trump Administration policy aimed at preventing illegal immigration.
- Special counsel Robert Mueller who has investigated Russian meddling in the 2016 Presidential election as well as key figures involved in the Trump campaign.
- Christine Blasey Ford who testified in front of senators in September against then-Supreme Court nominee and now judge Brett Kavanaugh accusing him of sexual assault when they were in college.
- Vladimir Putin
- Ryan Coogler
- Jamal Khashoggi
- March For Our Lives Activists
- Moon Jae-in
- Meghan Markle
- Donald Trump
Notably absent from the list? The Flyers mascot, Gritty who took to Twitter last month showing interest in being a finalist.
Sorry Gritty!