Simpsons Executive Producer: No Plan To End Show In Sight
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Al Jean, Executive Producer of The Simpsons, shared his ideas on how to end the series and explained the origins of some of the most popular conspiracies spread around the internet by fans of the show.
Jean, while talking to Greg Stocker from The Rich Zeoli Show on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT, said he hopes the finale of their run will take them back to the beginning."
"I will say, if we ever did end, I have an idea, which would be that the last show would end with them going to the Christmas pageant that was in the first show. So it'd be all one loop. There would never be an end. It would be a continuous thing."
However, he stated that where things stand now, he sees no end in sight.
"There is no plan to end it at the moment. I believe it will, at least, run until season 30 and eventually everything comes to an end, but I have no idea with this show. I've given up trying to even predict."
He also addressed persistent rumors from the internet that The Simpsons predicted the Ebola breakout and 9/11.
"What people forget is that there was a movie called 'Outbreak' about Ebola. It was before that episode. So, they just had a little book that said Curious George and the Ebola Virus but that was because of that movie. It wasn't something that nobody had ever heard of. It was, kind of, well known. The 9/11 thing is incredibly bizarre and spooky. It was that they we're going to New York and they had a handbook that said New York on $9 a day and behind the 9, the Trade Towers formed an 11. So, I don't know what to tell you about that. It's really, really, bizarre. It was a total coincidence. When I first saw it, a chill went down me."