Rutgers Camden Students Save 90-Year-Old From Burning Home
CAMDEN, N.J. (CBS) -- Two local college students are being praised for saving a 90-year-old man from his burning home in Camden, New Jersey over the weekend.
Flames engulfed the historic structure at 206 Cooper Street in Camden, just after midnight Friday.
Authorities say they recovered the body of John Parker, 62. His father, 90, survived, thanks to three students from Rutgers University Camden.
"I like our community, our neighborhood. Just trying to keep it safe and do the right thing," student Jonathan Perez-Gaytan told Eyewitness News.
Perez-Gaytan, his friend Matteo Resanovic and another friend named Corey Zytko were playing video games when they heard and saw the blaze across the street.
"I wasn't really thinking just the feet moved," Resanovic told Eyewitness News.
Resanovic wasted no time. He broke the front door window with his elbow and rushed inside. He ran up to the third floor to try and save 62-year-old Parker, but it was too late.
"I saw that the room that was on fire was just engulfed. Flames were popping underneath the door. Made a decision not to open it up because I didn't want the fire to spread even faster," Resanovic said.
The trio finally brought the 90-year-old elder Mr. Parker to safety. Paramedics took Parker to a local hospital to be checked out. He's said to be getting better, but Perez-Gaytan and Resanovic can't imagine the pain of losing a son.
"I'm sorry for his loss that's all I can really say," Resanovic said.