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Runner Profile: Allyson Robenalt

Allyson Robenalt
Medford Lakes, NJ

Favorite kicks: Nike

Pre-race ritual: Have everything ready the night before, get a good night's rest, stretch, listen to songs that get me excited to run!

Pre-race snack: Pasta

Tips for new runners: I am new myself to running. The best advice I can give is to keep going and not give up. You can do it!

Why she runs: I was never big into running. My dad is a runner and I've always been inspired by him. My best friend is also a runner. She tried to get me to run races with her and I always told her, "No, I can't do that." Last year I finally gave in and signed up for Broad Street Run. I couldn't be happier that I did. It felt amazing to say that I ran that race and that I was able to complete it! I'm looking forward to do it again this year.

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