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Houston Rockets Owner Pledges $4 Million For Harvey Relief

By Ian Kerner

PHILADELPHIA (CNN) — The owner of the Houston Rockets, Leslie Alexander, will contribute $4 million to help victims of Hurricane Harvey.

"Our hearts are heavy seeing the devastation that so many of our friends, family and neighbors are experiencing," the Rockets said in a statement.

The $4 million will be given to Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner's Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund, the Rockets said.

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Meanwhile, the owner of the Houston Texans has also pledged $1 million for hurricane victims, and the team is dedicating its season to the city.

"We'll play our asses off for the city of Houston," head coach Bill O'Brien said Monday. He announced that owner Robert McNair would donate the money through the United Way's fund for Hurricane Harvey relief.

The NFL Foundation, the league's charity organization, announced it would match the donation, and the New England Patriots said separately that they would match up to $1 million worth of public donations to the American Red Cross.

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The Texans' and NFL's donations will help response efforts by the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the United Way of Greater Houston.

O'Brien made the announcement from the Dallas Cowboys' facility, where the Texans have been practicing this week. The Texans are scheduled to host the Cowboys on Thursday night in a preseason game. The league hasn't announced what will happen to that game.

Texans defensive end J.J. Watt has also started a YouCaring campaign to raise money for those who need help. It's already received over $400,000 in donations.

"We need to help them as much as we possibly can," Watt said. "I think it's been unbelievable to see the amount of support people have shown."

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