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'Plaid Shirt Guy' Draws Attention For Facial Expressions At Trump Rally

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BILLINGS, Mont. (CBS/AP) — A high school student's appearance behind President Donald Trump at a Montana campaign rally caused a social media stir on Friday after the 17-year-old made a series of facial expressions that looked a lot like, well, a teenager reacting to a rambling politician in a suit.

Tyler Linfesty, gaining popularity on social media as the "plaid shirt guy" and a senior at Billings West High School, grabbed national attention because of his facial expressions as he stood in the VIP section right behind the president.

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He says he was surprised to be selected as a VIP for Thursday's event in Billings, which allowed him to get a photo taken with Trump and to stand behind the president.

Internet users were quick to attach meaning to the student's raised eyebrows, his knowing smiles and pursed lips, variously interpreting the looks as disbelief, disinterest or hostility toward Trump.

He was told to smile and clap but "had to be honest with my views," Linfesty said.

Linfesty was pulled from the VIP section a short time later, and replaced with a Trump supporter who was apparently more enthusiastic.

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"I didn't really have a plan," he added. "I was just going to clap for things I agreed with and not clap for things I didn't agree with."

After the looks on his face apparently caught the attention of rally organizers, Linfesty was pulled from the VIP section a short time later, and replaced with a Trump supporter who was apparently more enthusiastic.

(© Copyright 2018 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

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