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Philly Ranked 9th Worst City For Bed Bugs

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Here's something that will make your skin crawl -- Philadelphia has been ranked the ninth worst city for bed bugs.

Pest-control company, Orkin compiled a list of the 50 worst U.S. cities for bed bugs. They came up with the ranking based on the number of bed bug treatments Orkin performed on homes and commercial buildings in metro areas between December 2015 and November 2016.


Experts say the pests are a growing issue.

"We have more people affected by bed bugs in the United States now than ever before," Orkin Entomologist, Ron Harrison said in press release. "They were virtually unheard of in the U.S. 10 years ago."

In the statement, Harrison also tried to clear up misconceptions about the pests, explaining the bugs are not a sign of uncleanliness and that the bugs can be anywhere -- from movie theaters to public transportation -- not just in people's beds.

According to Orkin, bed bug treatments have been performed in all 50 states, but fortunate for New Jersey and Delaware residents, none of their cities made the "worst" list.

Pennsylvania didn't get so lucky -- Pittsburgh was underneath Philly at #24.

Baltimore nabbed the #1 spot, moving up nine spots since last year. Unfortunately this is one contest you don't want to win.

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