Nutter Signs Law Requiring Some Eateries To Have Gender-Neutral Restrooms
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- You can stop trying to figure out which bathroom to use if you're at a bar or restaurant in Philadelphia that has single occupancy restrooms. They'll all be gender-neutral, under a law signed today by Mayor Nutter.
The law was proposed by the Office of LGBT Affairs to ease the discomfort of transgender people.
Director Nellie Fitzpatrick says they can face stress, anxiety and even mistreatment when using gendered bathrooms.
"Providing access to a private, non-gendered, all-inclusive bathroom can simply reduce the stress of using the restroom," Fitzpatrick told KYW Newsradio.
Mayor Nutter says it will also benefit families and the elderly who may need help using restrooms. He stressed it would not apply to restrooms with multiple stalls, which prompted a little 'bathroom humor.'
"Multi-occupant bathroom facilities- it just really doesn't sound like something you want to be part of- can remain gender-specific," Nutter said.
The law takes effect January 16 and non-compliance can be reported through social media with the hashtag "freetophl"