Nutter Fights For Gun Law Reform As Part Of "Mayors Against Guns"
By Pat Loeb
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Mayor Nutter went to one of Philadelphia's most violent neighborhoods Thursday, to urge congress to pass gun law reform. It was a scene played out in hundreds of cities across the country, as "Mayors Against Guns" took part in a National Day to Demand Action.
Mayor Nutter drafted some young patrons at a library in North Philadelphia into his anti-gun campaign.
"And that's why we're here," Nutter said. "We're here for them."
It was a theme that several speakers hit, recalling that it was the massacre of children in Newtown, Connecticut that gave momentum to gun law reform and fearing the time that has elapsed without action has dampened enthusiasm.
"We must keep this at the forefront of everyone's mind," Deputy Police Commissioner Kevin Bethel said.
Bethel urged the small gathering to lobby Senators Toomey and Casey for action to offset efforts by the National Rifle Association to stymie reform.
"We must keep the push, we must make congress hear our voice," Bethel said.