New Research Suggests Drinking Coffee Can Help Make Bones Stronger
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- There are new benefits linked to drinking coffee. A cup of coffee, even two or three, can help make your bones stronger, according to new research.
Doctors say calcium, vitamin D and exercise are the primary things that keep bones strong. There had been some concerns that coffee might weaken them but good news for the millions of coffee lovers -- this research says go ahead and enjoy.
Coffee is a morning routine for many to help wake up and get a boost of energy. It might also help strengthen your bones.
A new study that covered 564 people and found those who drink a lot of coffee had higher bone mass density than non-coffee drinkers.
"Three metabolites, in particular, were associated with an increase in bone density in the population, and also, a decrease in the risk of fracture," Dr. Chad Deal said.
Previous research on coffee and bone health has been conflicting.
One study showed caffeine reduced calcium absorption and inhibited bone formation.
The caffeine in coffee has also been linked to increased blood pressure, stomach trouble and insomnia.
But research has also shown several benefits, including a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes.
The new study was small but for the first time identified an element in coffee that made bones stronger.
"For all those folks who drink lots of coffee and are concerned about the health effects of coffee, this is good news," Dr. Deal said.
He says a potential benefit from this research comes from the identification of specific metabolites in coffee that are good for bone health, which could lead to creating new drugs to help protect bone health in the future.
Over the years there's been a lot of conflicting research on coffee harms and benefits, experts say.
Multiple studies have now cleared coffee as a cause of serious disease, including cancer and heart disease and it won't hurt your bones.