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'Netflix Cheating' -- An Innocent TV Binge, or a Relationship Killer?

By Hadas Kuznits

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- With new shows being released on Netflix, some couples are dealing with a conflict known as "Netflix cheating."

That's when you promise to watch a Netflix show with someone else, but then you find yourself with some leisure time in which you end up watching the show without them.

"I'm sure it comes up in many people's relationships," admits one man we spoke with.

"She wanted to watch 'House of Cards, and I reluctantly agreed to watch 'House of Cards,' " says another man.  "But then she pretended like she was extra sick, took off from work, and watched it without me.  And then tried to convince me like she did me a favor!"

If you're considering Netflix cheating, this guy warns it's not worth it:

"It's not fun faking it. It's not enjoyable, watching it a second time."

Is it still cheating if you're honest about it?

"I think so, yeah," said one woman, "because he still watched it without him."

But is it ethical?

"If the show is that good, yes!" said another woman with a laugh.

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