Mayor Nutter Will Rappel Down Side Of Philadelphia Skyscraper For Fundraiser
By Mike Dunn
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Mayor Nutter ends his stormy week on a high note -- literally.
Friday afternoon he is going to rappel down the side of a center city Philadelphia office building in a promotion for the "Outward Bound" program.
It will be an unusual fundraiser. Mayor Nutter and area business leaders will put on harnesses and then rappel down the east side of the 20-story office building at 1515 Market Street. That's the building with the famous clothespin statue out front.
"I'm not afraid of heights," Nutter said. "It'll certainly be different. It'll be kind of exciting. I'm in pretty decent physical condition, and my life insurance is up to date."
Hopefully the mayor's wife won't hear this report:
"I didn't tell her about it, and I'm not planning to," he said
Nutter and all the participants have raised $2,000 each to benefit the Philadelphia branch of Outward Bound. That group organizers wilderness trips for underprivileged teens and war veterans.
The event takes place at 1:30pm.