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Jay Lloyd's Getaway: Kennett Square, Pa.

by KYW's Jay Lloyd

There's a south-of-the-border flair and a Main Street America atmosphere in Kennett Square, Pa., whether you're headed there for a day trip or a weekend.

On a recent trip the food and music were decidedly Mexican, and the language pumping out World Cup soccer play-by-play at the bar was rapid Spanish.

Taqueria Moroleon (right), in the adjacent community of Avondale, is one of several colorful south-of-the-border eateries that are bringing in the crowds here in southern Chester County.

Local resident and writer Richard Greenwood notes that it all started with the Latino mushroom farm workers:

"And we're lucky enough to piggyback onto that."

The main attraction, familiar to many, is nearby Longwood Gardens, one of the nation's top destination botanical treasures.

But there's also an unhurried restaurant-and-boutique-embedded Main Street, with frequent fairs and entertainment. And an overnight stay makes a visitor right at home.

Says Greenwood: "You should look for one of the bed and breakfasts that are located right near the heart of Kennett Square."

It makes this getaway close to home a very walkable experience.

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