Hundreds Take Part In 50K 'Rocky' Run
By Tim Jimenez
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Hundreds of runners were hoping to knockout a 50K run through the streets of Philadelphia on Saturday.
Rebecca Schaefer was inspired by a magazine article which laid out the exact route of the training montage in Rocky II. So she organized a 31-mile run and word spread through social media. A few hundred people signed up.
"So we're starting here in South Philadelphia where Rocky quote, unquote lived," Schaefer said.
It was a non-sanctioned run retracing Rocky's steps.
"We will be going through every single thing in the montage," she said, "which makes it a very illogical route."
Well, most of the montage: Yes to the Italian Market. No to the train tracks in Kensington. It's all fun for these movie buffs in running shoes.
"I am hoping that at some point in the ride there will be at least 50 kids chasing me," said one runner, "but at no point will I let any of the kids pass me."
And, of course, there was only one way to cap it all off.
"The finish at the Art Museum steps is the epitome of the Rocky Run," said another runner.