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Hundreds Deck Out In African Attire For South Philly 'Black Panther' Pre-Screening

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - The highly-anticipated movie 'Black Panther' premieres nationwide Friday.

But hundreds of people got to see an advanced screening in South Philadelphia on Thursday night. Lynada Coleburn Bryant was one of them who couldn't wait to see the film.

"Because it gives an opportunity for young people," she said, "African Americans and people of color, period, to see themselves as a hero, which has not happened before."

Knowing others feel the same way, Coleburn Bryant and the Philadelphia chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. organized this pre-screening at United Artists Riverview Theater on Delaware Avenue

"We're ecstatic to be able to come before it opens to the public and we have two auditoriums tonight," she says.

Walk in either of those auditoriums you didn't see a whole lot of jeans and t-shirts. Instead, you'd notice some bright and colorful clothing.

"We came dressed in our African attire to show our support," says Coleburn Bryant. "To be able to celebrate our culture and the beauty and style which you'll certainly see in the film."

She says they sold close to 500 tickets on the evening. ​

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