Ham Radio Operators Reach Out To Public For Help In Project To Benefit Wounded Warriors
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Ham radio operators from Philadelphia's Holmesburg section are reaching out to the public for help in a service project to benefit our wounded warriors.
Bob Josuweit is president of the Holmesburg Amateur Radio Club and is helping to coordinate the project.
He says the club is asking you to save the envelopes of the cards or letters you might receive and donate the stamps from those envelopes to the group for its "Stamps for the Wounded" project.
"Cancelled stamps are collected and then distributed to local VA hospitals and other convalescent facilities where our wounded warriors can receive occupational therapy using the stamps either to put into albums or to make decorative items."
Josuweit says the club exchanges QSL or contact cards with hams around the country and across the globe seeking confirmation of communications with special event stations it runs to celebrate historical events in Philadelphia.
He says the Holmesburg hams have been collecting the stamps from those envelopes and sending them to along to the Lions International Club for distribution.
To learn more, you can go to www.harcnet.org or drop an email to the hams at WM3PEN@aol.com.