Excitement Brews As Local College Alumni Wins Design Competition Reality Show
By Hadas Kuznits
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - The latest winner of a popular design competition show hails from Philadelphia.
Moore College of Art & Design alumni Dom Streater was announced this week as the 12th winner of the Emmy award-winning design competition 'Project Runway.' Fellow alum Cara Scudner says watching a schoolmate win the reality show has been absolutely incredible:
"This is like our World Series. Like our whole school has been rooting for her -- people who had never watched 'Project Runway' before!"
Scudner knew Streater when the two were in school together:
"We used to, my freshman year, watch Project Runway up in The Penthouse, our student lounge, here together and she would always look at the challenges and be like, 'I could do that! I could so do what they're doing. I could do it better'!'
And Scudner says watching Streater on the show was inspiring:
"It was really nice for me to see her also helping others on the show when they were struggling with something because I'm also a fashion design major and she would always come to the lower classmen's crits (critiques) and be supportive and encouraging of us."
Dean of students Ruth Robbins says they held a finale viewing party of the design competition at the school:
"The room just erupted of people just screaming and yelling the minute that it was announced."
And Robbins adds that the local design community is extremely proud of Streater:
"She was a great fashion student, always did all other work, a great role model for all of our students."