Chestnut Hill Program 'Artists at Work' Teaches Student New Art Forms
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- A weekly program in Chestnut Hill, called "Artists at Work" gives children the opportunity to get up close and personal with art in all forms, and they say hope is to inspire the kids to become artists themselves one day.
When you're a child, art can open a world of possibilities of where you can go and what you can do.
At the Woodmere Museum in Chestnut Hill, for 19 years second graders from local schools have been getting the chance to dive into different forms of art as they follow along a few Philadelphia artists dancing, printing, and painting the way.
William Valerio, Director and CEO of Woodmere Museum says it's because art makes you feel magic, and they're happy to put on a few live shows.
"One of the main jobs of a museum is to inspire people with creativity and the magic of art. We want to introduce student young people to professional artist they're real people live in the community different ethnicities, said It is a masterpiece of organization and you've sen 4 artists with 4 classes at a time and our hope is that maybe some of these young people will become artists."
Margaux Baum, a second grader from Penn Charter definitely has an art appreciation.
"I love that there's different movement for art, he said. "What do you think of when you look at like a beach fair or something like that kind of makes you feel like you're there right I feel like if we were there we'd be dancing."
The program also allows each school to go home with a few pieces of art to further discussion in their classrooms!
It's great for getting the kids imagination going and to remind them of the art lessons they learned first hand at the museum.