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Brotherly Love: Colefeld Foundation Giving Computers New Life For Families Lacking Access To Internet

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- Families who lack access to technology are getting some help thanks to some creative people who give computers new life. It's this week's story of brotherly love.

You could call David G. Wilson's passion tech rescue, connecting spare parts to transform a used computer into one that's good as new.

He pointed out a whirring noise: "This is a bad power supply." Then he replaced it. "Now hear that? That's quiet as a mouse."

Wilson is tech manager for the nonprofit Colefeld Foundation. Troy Felder Sr. founded it.

"We live in a world today where everything seems to be for-profit -- and there's nothing wrong with that -- but at some point, we believe, what about those who are not doing so well?" Felder said.

The Colefeld Foundation fixes up donated computers to give to families. Felder and Wilson started small about seven years ago, a few computers at a time. Now the Colefeld Foundation is an official nonprofit.

"A computer not only helps an individual, it's a family gift," Wilson said.

Felder works as a SEPTA bus operator, and SEPTA has done its part, donating used computers and more.

"Power cords and keyboards and HDMI cables. It was beautiful," he said.

Monetary donations help pay for the new parts that give a computer, and a family, a new life. Felder estimates he has been able to help about 40 families.

"The joy in my heart is just overwhelming," he said.

"Troy is a very passionate man that has a good heart," Wilson said. "You really have to have a heart for people."

Click here to learn more about the Colefeld Foundation.

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