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Black bear sighting reported in Solebury Township, Pennsylvania, police say

Large black bear spotted in Solesbury Township, Bucks County
Large black bear spotted in Solesbury Township, Bucks County 00:22

SOLEBURY TOWNSHIP, Pa. (CBS) -- Police in Solebury Township, Bucks County, said they received a report of a large black bear roaming around on Monday. 

The bear was spotted in the area of Aquetong, Upper Mountain and Upper York roads. 

Police are warning residents to keep a safe distance from the bear and to secure their garbage, bird feeders and any other food that would attract the animal. 

What to do if you encounter a black bear

According to the Humane Society, it's likely that the bear is more scared of you than you are of the animal. In fact, black bear attacks on people are quite rare. Here's how you can protect yourself from black bears.

Face the bear head-on. Don't run away, but don't approach them. 

Make yourself big, and spread your arms out wide.

Get loud by yelling or, if you're able, bang pots and pans together or use other devices that make noise.

If you have it, use bear spray if they approach you.

If the bear does attack you, fight back and don't surrender.

Once the bear moseys on out, get rid of whatever you think attracted them to where you were. 

The National Parks Service emphasizes never putting yourself between a mama bear and her cub. Don't even approach them. The likelihood of an attack escalates exponentially if the mother thinks you're a danger to her cubs. 

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