As Government Shutdown Begins, Politician E-Mailing Proceeds Unabated
By Brad Segall
NORRISTOWN, Pa. (CBS) -- The federal government is in the first day of a partial government shutdown but that hasn't stopped our elected leaders on both sides of the aisle from continuing to try to build their campaign coffers.
Even as members of Congress were wrestling with legislation designed to prevent a government shutdown (see related story), their campaigns were sending out e-mails to constituents and others looking for campaign contributions.
Two hours before the midnight deadline, an e-mail from Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) read, "We did it. We crushed this goal thanks to everyone's support today."
E-mails also went out from Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz's (D-Pa.) campaign for governor. Her communications director, Mark Bergman, thinks the message was appropriate.
"What the e-mail said is to support her candidacy because as governor she's going to work with both sides, just like she's doing right now, to get something done."
Midnight Monday marked the end of the year's third fundraising quarter, when campaigns usually ramp up to bring in as much last-minute cash as possible. The summers are typically slow, so September can be very important.