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Analysis: Lentz, Meehan Race Heating Up

(CBS) - The weather is getting cooler these days, but temperatures are rising political races locally and nationally.

The battle between Republican Pat Meehan and Democrat Bryan Lentz has reached a fever pitch.
The Meehan campaign accused Lentz, a state rep of ghost voting, having someone else push his vote button on the House Floor Tuesday. Meehan says, "he campaigned against this a few years back and now he's doing it."

Lentz says he was busy as a team leader on two bills. He was present and was busy getting Democratic votes together, but he admits someone else may have pushed his button, and he may have pushed someone else's. He denies not being present -- says it was a technicality.

Earlier the Lentz campaign accused Meehan of skipping a debate next week. Meehan refuses to be part of it because Tea Party candidate Bob Schneller recrruited by Democrats to siphon off votes was supposed to be there.

On the national scene, a new CBS survey shows a tough challenge for Sarah Palin, if she does run for president.

The survey shows 48-percent of Americans have an unfavorable view if Palin and that includes a little less than half of Republicans.

In fact, only 22-percent of Americans have a positive view of the former VP candidate

The survey also finds two thirds of Americans still confused about what the Tea Party is really all about. This is a nationwide survey of over 1,200 people taken in the last few days.

Reported By Larry Kane, KYW Newsradio

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