After 3 Years Of Being Homeless, Levittown Man Finds New Home
BUCKS COUNTY (CBS) -- A 52-year-old Levittown man who spent the past three years living in a tent in the woods finally has an actual roof over his head.
Brian Tanner was a cross-country truck driver, but after a serious back injury and a nervous breakdown, he's spent the past three years living in a tent city.
"Pretty much had a tarp tied between two trees," said Karen Hewlett with the Center for Independent Living of Bucks County.
Hewlett said that was before Tanner won his disability case last October. With some money in his pocket, he was able to upgrade to a new tent, but didn't have the credit to get an apartment.
But on Tuesday, the 52-year-old finally got the keys to an apartment, and even though he doesn't have furniture, the open space doesn't bother him one bit.
"He was quite happy to say 'I slept in my own apartment on the floor.'"
Hewlett said Tanner's story isn't as uncommon.
"There are some people who live like that by choice, but in Brian's case, him receiving his social security disability took almost three years and you can't work for three years, you just have to scrounge by."
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