Abington School District Recognized For Holocaust Education
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- A local school district is recognized for their Holocaust education program.
An inaugural Holocaust Education Award was given to Abington School District at the 5th annual Holocaust Awareness Museum and Education Center's educator's luncheon.
President Chuck Feldman says they singled out Abington because it's "one of the first school districts in the country to provide a Holocaust and genocide education for grades 5-12."
"We felt it extremely important to codify the curriculum, having it standardized to make sure there are lessons across grade levels that are done specifically throughout the school year, not just during Holocaust Remembrance Day," said Dr. Amy Sichel, Superintendent of Abington School District, describing the program.
She says an important aspect of the curriculum is bringing in survivors to speak.
"So many messages of the Holocaust, but I think the one that's most personal to me is 'Never Forget.'"