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Would YOU Sell a Lousy Product?

Corporate ConmanThere's been an interesting debate going on in the various posts on this blog about the meltdown. I've been maintaining that the sales reps are not culpable.

However, there are intelligent contributors who believe that the sales professionals are either partly or primarily responsible. Here's a representative comment:

Apparently, ALL these innocent, doe-eyed sales pros (not the clueless junior, but even the "sales pro") had ABSOLUTELY NO CHOICE but to sell high-risk, poorly-capitalized, misunderstood mortgages to greedy borrowers on behalf of greedy CEOs or otherwise face some horror like having their faces physically chewed off. My answer is "no". If I hand you a gun and tell you to kill or you'll lose your job, then you and I get fingered for the murder, should you walk?
It's my contention that most sales professionals are well meaning and want to help customers. However, I must admit that I have sometimes run across sales folk who simply don't care that their product is lousy.

I believe that such folk are the exceptions, so let's find out. Here's an anonymous poll. Please be honest. Nobody is looking over your shoulder.

[poll id=41]

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