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Why Focus on Foreign Press?

News Media image by hellomike [cc, 2.0]Good PR is a tried, tested, and true method for drawing in more customers and upholding your brand. But have your media campaigns been geographically limited? Or do you include foreign media? It may surprise you that The Guardian's website (yes the one based in the U.K.) draws in more traffic from the U.S. than its home country (6.6 million vs. 4.4 million, respectively)
The U.K. Guardian joins the BBC in expanding their reach in the U.S. market; the BBC brings in another 6.4 million U.S. visitors a month. Times Editor Robert Thomson says "U.S. readers want and need sophisticated global political and economic coverage," and one in two polled news watchers in the U.S. rated media coverage in the U.S. as either "fair" or "poor."

News Media image by hellomike [cc, 2.0]

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