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What is the best age to get pet insurance?

You'll be able to secure cheaper pet insurance if you insure your dog when it's young and healthy. Elena Medoks/EyeEm

When it comes to caring for a dog or cat, there's almost no limit to what an owner will do. While pet ownership can be a fulfilling and loving experience, it can also come with periods of stress and financial hardship. As the price for products and services seemingly rises everywhere (even veterinary costs rose last year), many pet owners find themselves looking for any edge they can get. This may include purchasing off-brand products, cutting back on grooming appointments and more.

Fortunately, pet insurance can help. In exchange for a minimal fee to a provider each month (often discounted if paid annually), owners can get coverage for a wide array of ailments and emergencies. There are multiple types, too, giving owners the flexibility to choose the most valuable and cost-effective plan for their pets.

As with most financial products and services, the timing around a purchase is key. Pet insurance is no different. To get the most out of a plan, owners should purchase a policy sooner than later. But when is the best age to get pet insurance? That's what we will answer in this article.

If you're considering pet insurance, start by getting a free price quote now.

What is the best age to get pet insurance?

There is no numerical age that's ideal to purchase pet insurance. Instead, owners should strongly consider buying a policy as soon as possible, or when the pet is as young as it ever will be. There are two major benefits to buying pet insurance when your dog or cat is a puppy or kitten:

Lower costs

Pet insurance will never be cheaper than it is when your pet is young and healthy. Young and healthy pets are less risky to insure than pets that are older and more prone to nagging health conditions. That lack of risk is reflected in lower monthly premiums to the owner. The longer you wait, the more likely your pet is to run into health conditions that could raise the cost of coverage. 

Comprehensive coverage

Pet insurance works differently than health insurance for humans. While pre-existing conditions may not be a factor for health insurance plans, they can severely limit (and potentially eliminate) your pet insurance options. 

"A pre-existing condition is any injury or illness which occurs or shows symptoms before coverage starts or during a waiting period," explains Spot pet insurance. "A condition is considered pre-existing whether or not it's been officially diagnosed or treated; all that matters is when it occurred or symptoms first displayed."

But, Spot notes, pet owners that fall in this category should not despair. 

"However, with plans provided by Spot, this doesn't mean the condition can't be covered in the future if the condition is curable," they explain. "An injury or illness that is curable, cured, and free of treatment and symptoms for 180 days will no longer be regarded as pre-existing, with the exception of knee and ligament conditions. If a knee or ligament condition occurs before the coverage effective date or during a waiting period, any future ones won't be covered."

In short: If you want cheap and comprehensive pet insurance coverage, it pays to act quickly. As your pet ages, policies will only become more expensive and less thorough. So consider pet insurance now while your options are more flexible. 

You can get a free pet insurance quote from Spot in 30 seconds here now.

The bottom line

So, when exactly is the best age to get pet insurance? Again, it's hard to specify an exact number, although some pet insurance providers offer a guide.

"You can enroll your pet in a plan provided from Spot once your pet is 8 weeks old or older," the insurer says. "There is no upper age limit for coverage or enrollments."

"You may enroll your dog or cat as early as 7 weeks of age," insurer Pets Best says. "Like children, young dogs and cats have the highest risk of accidents. And because their immune systems aren't mature, they're more susceptible to infectious diseases. Pets Best plans have no upper age limits, so senior dogs and cats get the same great coverage as kittens and puppies."

Get a quote from Pets Best now to see how much it would cost to insure your furry friend.

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