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What I'm Thankful For

Sales are up 40 percent this year, and you might think I'd be thankful for that. But we strategized and fought for that business, so we earned it. Isn't being thankful less about achieving some goal and more about recognizing how blessed you are?

As Thanksgiving approaches in 2010, here's why I'm thankful:

Watching others excel: We've designed and crafted an environment at to foster autonomy, build skills, and align everyone with a common vision. That has helped people stay motivated and creative. As I walk around the office observing and talking to people, there are many smiles. I'm thankful for the smiles.

Execution: Last week, the Houston Chronicle recognized us as the #2 place to work in Houston. We just received the results of the anonymous survey, and as it turns out, we ranked first out of 93 companies for both "My manager listens to me," and "I have confidence in the leaders of this organization." My Senior Leadership Team is executing so well, that my job is just to stay out of their way. That gives me time to reflect on the future needs of the company and people -- rather than looking back over my shoulder to ensure performance. It also gives me time to work on myself by learning and studying more. I'm thankful for time.

Time with my daughter: My daughter, Esther, works in my marketing department handling PR, social media, affiliate programs, direct mail, and a host of other things. How wonderful it is to have a place where she and the company symbiotically thrive, and that I am able to share time with her. I'm thankful for family time.

Investors: They say investors are like a flock of pigeons. They swoop down, make a huge unsightly mess, and then fly away leaving the clean-up to others. This year, we've had excellent support from them...with just an occasional poop - er, I mean peep. I'm thankful for trust.

Family support: It's important that your family and friends support the extra time and effort that you must take both at and away from the office. Being a CEO is not a job, but a way of life. I'm thankful for encouragement.

Writing: Over the last 5 months, BNET has given me the opportunity to write articles for which I've received many kind comments. Writing gives me the opportunity to hone my thoughts and to learn subjects better by teaching others. Which leads me to the best part -- I have made some differences in others' businesses and personal lives. I'm thankful for you.

What are you thankful for?

Photo courtesy of, by Hammer51012

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