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Violence Against Executives: Are You Worried?

Recent news about violence against companies and executives might leave many business people a little uneasy of what may be coming. Bad economies always lead to a rise in domestic and other types of violence, experts say. But it's corporate symbols that seem to be the latest targets as people vent their frustration over job loss, evaporated savings and Wall Street greed.

The recent headlines:

  • "Protesters have stormed the Royal Bank of Scotland in London as thousands of people descended on the City ahead of the G20 summit of world leaders. Demonstrators launched missiles and forced their way into the bank after clashes with police in the capital." BBC
  • "Angry French workers facing layoffs at a Caterpillar factory briefly detained four of their bosses Tuesday at the U.S. manufacturer's plant in the Alps to protest job cuts, a regional official said. It is the third time in the past few weeks that French workers have seized their bosses to protest job losses stemming from the global economic crisis." AP
  • "The anger in the threats against AIG executives is palpable. 'Get the bonus, we will get your children,' someone identified only as "Jacob the Killer" hauntingly writes in an e-mail. His is one of dozens of threats against AIG and its employees that were obtained from Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's office under a Freedom of Information Act request." NBC Connecticut
From what I've read, most of the hostility seems aimed at firms and execs in the financial sector, but the troubles in France suggest the possibility that violence could be extended to other industries, especially if layoffs continue to climb.

As a business person, does this have you worried on a personal level?

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