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Trade Old Gadgets for Cash

If you're a gadget fan who routinely buys the latest and greatest gear and then leaves the old stuff to collect dust on a shelf, why not turn those cast-offs into cold, hard cash? That's the idea behind various Web-based trade-in services, which promise to put at least a few bucks into your pocket in exchange for working hardware.

Webware has a roundup of nine gadget trade-in services, starting with this one:

Gazelle supports the broadest array of products including satellite radios, storage devices, games, and Blu-ray DVDs--which is great if you want to pack just one big box. You get back a check or Amazon gift card. Only Gazelle provides a box and pays shipping. Like similar services, it asks about the level of damage and accessories your items have, and recycles those without market value. We preferred this site's layout and ease of use overall. At the same time, though, its quotes for MP3 players are often lower than what competitors claim to pay. Gazelle can donate your cash to a charity if you don't need it.
Of course, some would argue that it makes more sense to unload old gear on eBay, take payment via PayPal, then use those funds to buy other stuff -- which is what I've done for years. What's your thought on the best way to "recycle" gadgets? Hit the Comments and share your pennywise thoughts.

In the meantime, don't miss our previous post on trading in old cell phones for cash or charity.

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