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Top 5 Funny Sales Scenes from Hollywood

It's Friday again, so it's time for some funny videos. Today, I've gathered together the five funniest sales-oriented scenes from Hollywood movies. What I like about this collection is that they're all funny in completely different ways. As usual, I've added polls so that you can vote on your favorites.

Warning: the final video is so funny that the first time I saw it I practically busted a gut I laughed so hard. My wife thinks it's the funniest movie scene of all time.

CLICK HERE for the first funny sales scene »
Click here for other "Friday Funnies" Video Galleries!
The Brake Pad Scene from "Tommy Boy"
B2B selling at its best. Fits well with Geoffrey Moore's "Provocation Selling" model, if a little, just a little, over the top...

CLICK HERE for the next funny sales scene »The Interview Scene from "Office Space"
A transactional inside sales rep attempts to justify his job...

CLICK HERE for the next funny sales scene »The Auto Sales Scene from "Analyze That"
What if an ex-mafioso tried to sell luxury cars? De Niro at his funniest...

CLICK HERE for the next funny sales scene »The Train Scene from "The Music Man"
This one's not ROFLMAO, but it's witty in a Norman Rockwell way. Plus it's the Hollywood movie scene that has the most sales reps in it... about 30, if I'm counting correctly.

CLICK HERE for the final funny sales scene »The Car Scene from "Planes Trains and Automobiles"
Just two tired road warriors trying to get home...

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