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Top 25 College Twitterers to Follow

Usually when I tell someone that I like Twitter, I get this sort of snarky response: "I don't want to know what other people are eating for lunch."

Yuck. Yuck.

Actually, I find Twitter valuable because it helps me keep track of what's happening in the college world. It's not the 140-character messages that I find particularly interesting, but the links that often accompany the Tweets are.

The college experts that I follow provide me with a daily aggregate of higher-ed news that keeps me plugged in far more than if I my only resources were The Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed.

If you're interested in learning more about such things as college admissions, financial aid, student loans, scholarships, here is my list of the top 25 college Twitterers in alphabetical order.

Top 25 College Twitterers to Follow


Anya Kamenetz, author of DIY U, who writes a column for Fast Company and likes to riff on the future of education.


This is where you can find me tweeting most days.


Theresa Smith tweets about preparing and applying to college by the moderator of #CollegeChat on Twitter.


Tweets from college consultant and former professor and admission committee member at such schools as Northwestern University and University of Virginia.


Ken O'Connor, a 10-year veteran of the financial-aid industry, tweets about paying for college for Credit Union Student Loans.


Independent think thank committed to developing innovative solutions to nation's most pressing education problems.


Tweets from FairTest, an advocacy group working to end abusive standardized testing, which is the source of the list of SAT/ACT-optional colleges.


David Hawkins is director of public policy and research for the National Association for College Admission Counseling.


Student loan expert, blogger and attorney.


College news from the Huffington Post.


Tweets from Inside Higher Ed, the online college trade publication.


Founder of independent college counseling firm based in Los Angeles.


Jeffrey Selingo is the editor of The Chronicle of Higher Education.


Kaplan Test Prep Tweets on testing and college admissions.


Kim Clark covers personal finance and education for Money Magazine and used to be the top college reporter at US News & World Report.


KevinCarey is columnist for The Chronicle of Higher Education and policy director of Education Sector.


Kelly T. Winters is a PhD student studying U.S. higher education access and equity policies at the University of Minnesota.


Manhattan Institute is dedicated to the revival of intellectual pluralism and the best traditions of liberal education at the nation's universities.


Mark Kantrowitz is publisher of, the scholarship site, and FinAid, the financial aid site.


Tweets from Richard Lee Colvin, who is executive director at Education Sector.


Self-described "indentured servant" to Sallie Mae, the controversial student lender.


Prolific tweeter about lots of college issues with tons of followers.


More relevant than you might assume from the title. You'll find Tweets about such teen issues as mental health, drugs, obesity and self esteem.


The Lawlor Group, a respected higher-ed marketing firm, produces a daily tip sheet of college stories.


Student created resource about college and college life.


Tweets from the newspaper's college coverage.


News of the college world from the rankings giant.


Editor of Journal of Education Transformation, which publishes new ideas for education.

Top 25 College Twitter image by The Next Web. CC 2.0.

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