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"Time" Editor on Afghan Woman Cover: "It's a Very Scary Image"

Time Magazine's cover shows the disturbing image of a young Afghan woman, whose nose and ears were cut off by the Taliban because she tried to flee her abusive husband.

In deciding whether or not to put the young woman on the cover, Rick Stengel, managing editor of Time, said, "I just felt that I really wanted us to weigh in in a powerful way with one particular point of view."=>

Stengel added, "I wanted people to be confronted with the idea that there are consequences of us leaving."

Zama Coursen-Neff, deputy director of the Children's Rights Division at Human Rights Watch, said that woman's rights have to be at the forefront of any kind of "reconciliation with the Taliban."=http:="">

She added, "life for women in Afghanistan is much better than it was ten years ago under the Taliban."=http:>

Couric asked if Afghan President Hamid Karzai, was the "right partner to move women's rights forward?"

Coursen-Neff responded, "Hamid Karzai doesn't have a strong track record on women's rights."=http:>

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