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Tim Kaine: We think this will be a "history-making election"

VP nominee Tim Kaine
VP nominee Tim Kaine on today's "history-making election" 02:40

Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine said the election on Tuesday will be “history-making” as voters head to the polls to cast their votes for president and other elected officials.

Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s running mate and a senator from Virginia, made the comment on “CBS This Morning” a little while after casting his own ballot in his home state.

“We think that this is gonna be a history-making election and you’ll wanna say you were there,” said Kaine, who said there was a “great line” at his polling place in Virginia when it opened at 6 a.m. ET.

Kaine emphasized that the key issue Tuesday is turning out voters, and he also acknowledged that the Latino vote could make a huge difference in some of the battleground states. 

First, he said Latino voters perceive a huge difference between Clinton and Donald Trump because Clinton and Kaine support comprehensive immigration reform and Trump supports “building a wall and deporting people.”

“But the other thing that’s really important, I think this is the election where the Latino community understands that they make a big difference, that they don’t view themselves as a minor part of the electorate anymore,” Kaine said. “In states like Florida, Virginia, North Carolina and Nevada, Colorado, all over the country, the Latino vote now sees that they could be a difference-maker. And that is an empowering thing.”

Asked how he and Clinton could unite the country if they win on Tuesday, Kaine said that Clinton had a “great track record” while serving in the Senate working across the aisle with Republicans. Kaine said as governor of Virginia, he had that same track record because he had to work with two Republican-controlled Houses.

“The burden’s gonna be on our shoulders if we’re successful,” he said. 

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