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Three Ways to Save Attachments in Outlook

outlook-drag-and-drop.jpgCalling all Outlook users: When you receive a file attachment in an e-mail, do you instinctively double-click it to open the file in its native application? As it happens, there are three ways to open and/or save an Outlook attachment:

  1. You can double-click the file like always, which is fine if you actually want to view the contents. Then you can save the file from within the application.
  2. You can right-click the file and choose Save As, then choose the folder where you want it stored.
  3. You can drag and drop the file to your desktop, an open folder, or an open application (like Word or Adobe Acrobat). Not many people realize that attachments can be dragged out of Outlook, but they can. This is undeniably convenient if you frequently leave document folders open or, well, don't like to double-click. It's also a great way to open an attachment in application other than the default -- like opening a JPEG image in IrfanView instead of Photoshop. Just drag it to the former.
Note that the e-mail in question doesn't need to be "open" for this to work: You can drag and drop from the preview pane as well. [via Productivity Cafe]
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