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This Week: Bizarro

From far-out hair styles to messy scandals, this week was a page right out of the encyclopedia of oddities.

It kicked off with the gruesome details of Anna Nicole Smith's autopsy report. Medical Examiner Dr. Joshua Perper revealed that there were nine different prescription medications in the pin-up's body when she was found dead on Feb. 8, including human growth hormones and the sleeping aid chloral hydrate.

Photos: Tragic Blondes

Photos: Rest In Peace, Anna Nicole

Perper said an abscess in Smith's derriere — most likely created by a needle being injected too deep — produced a blood infection that contributed to her accidental death. Perper learned through interviews that Smith had a 105-degree fever days before she died — but refused to go to the hospital because of the media attention it might bring.

The paparazzi were all over reports that Britney Spears went to the Century City hospital for some emergency dental work. "Access Hollywood" reported later that her driver accidentally went to the emergency room instead of the office of celebrity dentist Dr. William Dorfman, which is located right in front of it. "Britney came in here Sunday, she had a tooth she wanted me to check," Dorfman said. "This is routine dental work."

Later in the week, news broke that Spears and her ex, Kevin Federline, had reached a divorce settlement after five hours of deliberations. The couple reportedly settled amicably, taking a break from proceedings to share a cigarette.

The "American Idol" sound stage went wild this week when the often-bashed contestant Sanjaya Malakar took to the stage with an out-of-this-world faux-hawk hair style. Each week the singer — who is noticeably less talented than the other contestants — has shown a new look that has prompted comments from the judges.

Photos: Famous Guys With Famous Hair

The crazy coif helped the contestant hang on another week while another singer with memorable hair, Chris Sligh, was sent packing.

A short stay away from home got out of hand for Velvet Revolver singer Scott Weiland and his wife, Mary, when she was arrested for allegedly setting her husband's clothes on fire inside a hotel room. Mary Weiland said later in a statement that an imbalance of medications for bipolar disorder prompted her erratic behavior. She said she would pay for damages.

A routine photo-op went awry when comedian Eddie Griffin totaled his pal's $1.5 million Ferrari by driving it into a barrier while practicing for a charity car race.

"Undercover Brother's good at karate and all the rest of that, but the brother can't drive," he said, referring to his role in the film "Undercover Brother." A few days later, rumors sparked that the whole thing was a set-up, but Griffin told "Access Hollywood" that the pain in his head was definitely not a hoax.

An ugly scandal erupted around country star Wynonna Judd this week. It came to light that her husband, D.R. Roach, was arrested March 22 for aggravated sexual battery on a child under the age of 13.

Photos: Celebrity Splits

As he sat in jail in Texas, Judd announced on her Web site that she had filed for divorce and was "obviously devastated." The shocking news came several months after the singer told Ladies Home Journal magazine that she and her husband were planning to have more children and kept their marriage on track with couples counseling.

A fan accused of stalking singer Michelle Branch was arrested as she performed on stage in Sheboygan, Wis., this week and in a scenario that played out like an episode of "Law & Order." Branch spotted Dominick Giordano in the crowd at her concert and asked security to check him out, witnesses told The Associated Press.

Giordano, who reportedly has been trailing the star to concerts since 2003, was arrested and cited for disorderly conduct.

Photos: Paris And The Police

L.A. prosecutors threw a curveball at Paris Hilton on Thursday that could send the blond celebutante to jail. They plan to ask a judge to revoke her probation in her reckless driving case. The city's attorney's office told the AP that Hilton could face up to 90 days behind bars if the judge finds she violated her probation.

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