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The Return Of Camelot?

This column was written by CBS News Early Show Co-Anchor Harry Smith.

Camelot was a musical that debuted right around the time that John F. Kennedy was elected president.

It was a play about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

Gorgeous songs by Lerner and Lowe included classics like if ever I would leave you.

The title song as sung by Arthur at the close of the play says this: Don't let it be forgot that once there was a spot for one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot.

After President Kennedy was assassinated, it was those words Jacqueline Kennedy chose to repeat to Theodore White, the writer and historian.

The image of the Kennedy Administration as Camelot was invoked only after the president's death.

People are finding it difficult not to compare the Obamas with the Kennedys, with their youth and glamour and vigor. Both men use words well.

Both women are stunning in their own right, and then there is the idealism. Do we dare to hope again for Camelot?

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