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The Google Book Search Case -- for Dummies*

* That would include me.

Imagine this â€" a free global virtual library containing almost every book published over the past century (and beyond) in many languages and formats â€"all reproduced in digital form, courtesy of Google.

These e-books will be searchable, downloadable, and shareable â€" a treasure trove of "intellectual property" (IP) that until now has remained essentially locked away in academic and government repositories.

What I am describing already exists at Google Books, but only at a fraction of the size Google intends to achieve.

But what if what I described as a virtual library actually turns out to be a virtual bookstore, one controlled by a monopoly?

While there is nothing (beyond time, resources, and imagination) to stop any other party from scanning the physical books from our pre-digital past and convert them into the eBooks of our future, critics believe Google has such a huge lead on the competition that it will enjoy what is essentially monopolistic control over the sales of many eBooks going forward.

So let's re-examine three of those keywords -- searchable, downloadable, and shareable from a business perspective.

These represent three separate business opportunities:

  1. Search, which, of course, is Google's core competency. Google makes 97% of its revenue from advertising against search results.
  2. Downloads of books. This is where companies like Amazon intend to make their money. They have products like the Kindle e-reader that cost a lot of money but that can allow you to gain access to thousands of titles at the cost of about $10 each.
  3. Sharing. While how to monetize sharing may be still in question, you can bet that executives at Twitter and Facebook will find the way to do so soon.
Now I used the phrase "intellectual property" (IP) to describe books. Under copyright law in the U.S., and in other societies, the author, publisher, and certain other parties have rights regarding how their book (IP) is republished, sold, and circulated.

IP presents an almost hopeless tangle of legalities, with all sorts of tricky issues to keep lawyers busy for years â€" for example, how to determine what to do about the millions of "orphan" works, i.e., those for whom no known copyright holder can be identified or located today

These issues and others triggered the lawsuit against Google by certain organizations purporting to represent those of us who write books in the hope of protecting our rights from exploitation by Google. These groups include the Author's Guild, which represents a tiny portion of authors (mainly the rich and successful ones) and they have recently reached a settlement with Google of their class-action lawsuit.

Under the terms of this proposed settlement, Google will fund a rights registry to handle the thorny IP issues, plus the search giant will pay those of us who opt into the settlement a one-time fee for the right to include our books in its book search feature

Google will also generously share the advertising revenue it collects from that big business of search mentioned above. Whether Google intends to actively compete for the revenue from the sales of e-books remains a little unclear to me at the moment.

Back to the business of sharing of e-books. I'm not sure that anyone has thoroughly thought out the implications of this new potential business model quite yet, but in a culture where there once was a Napster, there's bound to be a similar entry in this field soon.

As if all of these complexities were not enough, the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Justice Department has opened an investigation into the proposed settlement of this class-action lawsuit.
This would seem to indicate that the government is concerned about the size and scale of Google's plans as well.

Recently, three large organizations representing librarians have intervened, asking the Antitrust Division to become actively involved in overseeing the final settlement of the class-action suit, perhaps even issuing a de-facto Consent Decree, which is what the Justice Department might have done had it originated this entire matter as an anti-trust probe in the first place.

How this all turns out is anybody's guess. And the rosy scenario I outlined in my lede â€" of a massive, free virtual library open to all â€" may or may not emerge intact from the legalistic processes now underway.

All I know, as a writer, is any revenue this project sends my way will be the first I've seen from my out-of-print books in decades. Sharing in any incremental advertising revenue as people search through my old books sounds real good, too.

But what sounds best of all is the idea that the work I and my coauthors did years ago, which has long been locked away and out of view, may finally get to join the 21st Century.

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