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The Best Office Chairs Are Comfy and Green

The Best Office Chairs Are Comfy and GreenYou spend a large portion of your life sitting on a desk chair so, obviously, that chair should be pretty darn comfy. On the other hand, as a responsible consumer, you want to do your part to help the environment and make sure your kids inherit a clean, green world. Never thought of this conundrum? Don't worry that's what the good folks at are here for. Today they're offering a list of chairs that meet the demands of both ergonomics and ecologists.

Among their recommendations is the Think Chair by Steelcase. It's 99% recyclable and 44% recycled, and has received Cradle-to-Cradle certification from MBDC, a design firm which rates products on whether they were produced in an energy efficient matter, among other considerations.

Or how about the ZodyChair by Hawort, which also is MBDC certified, made of 50% recycled materials, and has had the energy required to build it offset with wind energy certificates? Plus, it's pretty sexy (for a chair).

Of course, if you're perfectly satisfied with your current desk chair (or unwilling to spend $600 on a new one), these chairs can still serve as a reminder of the incredible power of niche marketing.

(Image of desk chair by ebright, CC 2.0)

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