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The 10 Weirdest Ad Stories of the Month

God's sex life! Martin Sorrell insults his managers! Jeff Goodby raps! It all happened in December 2009 ...

  1. Sorrell to WPP execs: You're a bunch of old fools "The people who run agencies tend to be of an older vintage - to put it politely," said WPP chief Martin Sorrell. "They tend to be resistant to change and want to spend the last three to four years of their careers travelling around the world rather than dealing with fundamental strategic issues on a daily basis."
  2. JWT offices named "awesome, inspiring" But not as cool the offices of Google and Red Bull -- which both have slides! Freakin' slides, people!
  3. Someone in advertising doesn't like Mad Men Hard to believe, I know. But don't worry -- the Ad Council already has a team of commandos out to capture Goodby, Silverstein & Partners copywriter Steve Simpson and send him back to advertising re-education camp.
  4. Omnicom can't fill 50 vacancies in Ireland What recession? CPM needs sales reps and can't find them.
  5. Milwaukee wants to tax billboards CBS Outdoor has already filed suit to stop this outrageous affront to human dignity.
  6. Gambling ad ban hobbles Polish football Government wants to make sure Polish teams never win the UEFA Champions League by imposing restrictions on the biggest sponsors of the beautiful game.
  7. Did a Gillette ad curse Tiger Woods, Thierry Henry? A far-fetched but entertaining theory.
  8. Jerusalem wants a rebranding campaign ... Kvetching results.
  9. Ad: God was better in bed than Joseph Church billboard has cheeky take on the virgin birth story.
  10. Jeff Goodby makes a YouTube rap It's as good as you think it's going to be.
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