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The 10 Craziest Election Campaign Ads You'll See Before Nov. 2

In the spring I suggested that we were in a golden era of election campaign advertising in which the tools of regular advertising -- wit, creativity, sarcasm and so on -- were finally being used for political campaigns, long the worst ads on TV. That golden era may already be over, if these 10 ads are any guide. Violence, guns and witches seem to be America's foremost concerns judging by what we can see on TV.

Republican or Democrat, one thing we can all agree on as we head to the polls Nov. 2 is this: The 2010 midterms were easily the wackiest election season America has ever seen. Enjoy!

1. Jack Conway, for Senate in Kentucky: "Rand Paul: Stomping on you. Stomping on Kentucky." A video mashup of the incident in which one of Paul's campaign workers tramples on a woman's head for committing the crime of being a liberal with a handwritten protest sign.

2. Joe Manchin for West Virginia Senate: He loads up his gun and literally shoots the climate change bill. He'll shoot you if you vote Republican!

3. Christine O'Donnell for the Senate in Delaware: "I'm not a witch, I'm you." You've seen it before but it's worth another watch, just for the marvel of seeing a GOP Senate candidate deny that she is in league with the devil.

4. Basil for Tennessee governor: "Hello citizens, I'm not a cop don't let me scare you!" Delightful, rambling nonsense from someone who clearly has mental issues but believes they stem from a lack of respect for the Second Amendment: "It says there we have the right to bear arms against our government. At the moment that would be very difficult. The government have Patriot missiles." Impeccable logic.

5. Alvin Greene for North Carolina Senate: "Alvin Greene is the Ultimate Warrior." The mystery man who snagged the Democratic nomination has a comic book for sale in which he explains his plans to stop home foreclosures.

6. Lincoln Davis for congressman for Tennessee: His Republican opponent, Scott DesJarlais, is a wealthy psychopath who once "held a gun to his own mouth for three hours," according to court papers.

7. John Hickenlooper for Colorado governor: "Shower." Why is he standing in the bathtub, fully clothed, taking a face-shower? This ad actually makes sense when you get to the end of it.

8. Jack Conway for Senate in Kentucky: "Why did Rand Paul once tie a woman up and ... say his god was Aqua Buddha?" Conway is emerging as the master of the shock campaign this season, although Paul's background is clearly providing him with great material.

9. Dale Peterson for Alabama Agriculture Commissioner: "We're Republicans. We should be better than that," says Peterson as he gets off a horse, wearing a cowboy hat, holding a rifle. He'll shoot you if you vote Democratic!

10. Jerry Brown for California governor: "Meg Whitman/Arnold Schwarzenegger deja vu." Smart play from former Governor Moonbeam: Whitman and Arnie's speeches are cut side by side, and they both utilize the same cliches.


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