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Sudoku Addicts Unite

On John William's radio talk show in Chicago, callers are discussing a hard-core addiction: an addiction to a newspaper puzzle called Sudoku.

"Hi my name is Mark and I'm a Sudoku addict," a caller declares.

Williams, who admits he too is obsessed, enjoys the calls because, well, "because they know I am their Big Sudoku Daddy," Williams quips.

And he's tapped a big Sudoko craze, CBS News correspondent Wyatt Andrews reports. The puzzle, a number grid, was invented in America, became Sudoku in Japan and spread to England last year.

And then retuned home, taking over the puzzle pages of America. Pamela Ingram can't start her day without Sudoku.

"I'm hooked," she says.

Even in the World Series,

, including Cliff Politte and starter Jon Garland, compete in Sodoku after competing on the mound.

"Jon will sign it and throw it in my locker, like 'Ha ha, I did it,'" Politte says.

Garland says he does it to tease Politte. "Yeah 'cause he can't get it done," Garland says.

To get this done is what's so addicting. With the 9-by-9 grid, come some given numbers. Based on these, you solve Sudoku, by placing the numbers one through nine, in every row, every column and every 3-by-3 box, but with no repeats.

When Aisha Cargioe solves a puzzle, she can't help what comes next.

"It's not unusual for someone to do the happy dance," Cargioe says. "It's that good, it's like yes, I rule."

If you are a crossword purist, this next part will make you cringe. Sudoku's true believers say their puzzle is superior.

John Williams thinks Sudoku calls out to its victims, even at work.

"And they look over and think, 'I know that nine has to go in that box' and it's just sitting there barking at you," Williams says.

Call this just a puzzle, but it's cheap, it is plentiful and it's mentally addicting.

You've been warned.

To try your hand at Sudoku, click here.

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