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Store Lots of Stuff In Your Windows Clipboard with AccelClip

Granted it's not as exciting as the war stories your uncle used to tell you, but we've all been there: Copying and pasting a slew of changes between the same two documents, over and over. It would be great if you could somehow store three items in the clipboard, but alas, it only holds one.

So you cook up clunky workarounds like keeping a third document open with the various phrases you need, and then copying and pasting from there. Well, here's a better way: AccelClip extends your clipboard to store an unlimited number of items for free, easy copy and paste.

AccelClip consumes pretty much every "copy" command you can throw at it, including text, graphics, Microsoft Office, and HTML. You can browse and search AccelClip for the items you need, and even edit graphics in AccelClip using a rudimentary built-in image editor.

I really dig the way AccelClip simplifies my day when I need to juggle several items in the clipboard at once. And that doesn't even count the integrated password keeper -- I haven't tried that, since I use one in my browser instead.

That said, AccelClip is certainly not unique. Is there a clipboard extender you use? Tell me about it in the comments.

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